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Academy Materials and Supply List 2021-2022
Basic Materials (Materiales Basicos):
4 Packs of Pencils/4 Paquetes de Lapices.
2 Packs of 24 Crayons/ 2 Paquetes de 24 Crayolas.
1 Crayon Zip Bag/ 1 Cartuchera para Crayolas con Zipper.(no boxes)
2 Packs of Colored Pencils/ 2 Paquetes de Lapices de Colores.
2 Packs of Erasers/ 2 Paquetes de Goma de Borrar.
1 Blunt Tip Scissor/ 1 Tijera de Punta Redonda. (Round Tip)
2 Packs of Glue Sticks/ 2 Paquetes de Goma de Pegar de Tubo de Creyón.
1 Pack of Black/Blue Pens/ 1 Paquete de Lapiceros Azul y Negro.
1 Pack of Word Strips (find at Dollar Store)/ 1 Paquetes de Tiras Largas de Lineas.
2 Packs of Index Cards (2nd Grade – 5th Grade)
3 Packs of Wide-Ruled Line Paper/ 3 Paquetes de Papel con Linea Ancha.
2 Packs of Construction Paper/ 2 Paquetes de Papel Construccion.
8 Composition Notebooks/ 8 Libretas.
4 Plastic Folders with Pockets/ 4 Folders con Bolsillos Adentro.
2 (3 Ring Binders Size 2 inch) / 2 Folders de Argollas de 2 Pulgadas.
8 Packs of Copy White Paper/ 8 Paquetes de Papel Blanco.
Small Calculator ONLY 3rd Grade – 5th Grade
Teachers Wish List:
Kleenex Tissues
Play Dough
Ziploc Baggies
Hand Sanitizer
Clorox Wipes
* All students must bring all materials and supplies before the first day of school, August 24, 2021. Students will not be provided with any materials*.
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